Beth Mobilian
Coach, Counselor & Workshop Facilitator

About Me
I have led a successful 16-year career as a life coach, counselor, workshop and retreat facilitator. I have worked with individuals and couples in my private practice; have taught resiliency and mindfulness courses to high school students; facilitated workshops and intensive programs for women, church groups, wellness centers and at yoga retreats. I am called to work with anyone looking to fully reveal, engage and live from the best version of themSelves they can be! In my work I have curated the best from my masterful teachers and trainings such as Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick, Gay and Kathleen Hendricks, Esther & Jerry Hicks/Abraham, Alyssa Nobriga, “Mama Gena”, “The Work” by Byron Katie, Insight Seminars, Understanding Yourself and Others, Non-Violent Communication and Imago. I am trained in using the work and wisdom of The Enneagram and will soon be earning a certification in that work to use with clients.
What I am most excited and lit up about is co-facilitating for seven years now, with Lindsay Patterson, a 6-month intensive personal growth program for women called Authentic Living: www.lindsayandbeth.com.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Human Development from Northwestern University and I graduated with a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. I feel humbled and honored to have raised two amazing, self aware children (28 and 30) and to be living and working in the magical Roaring Fork Valley outside of Aspen, Colorado since 1989.
Jalaluddin Rumi
The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you
Don't go back to sleep!
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep!
People are going back and forth
across the doorsill where the two worlds touch,
The door is round and open
Don't go back to sleep!

My Philosopy
I believe that, foundationally, my work is to support my clients in re-connecting …
Brene Brown, author of Daring Greatly, said, “I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship... Connection is why we’re here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives. “
Being connected to others begins with being connected first to ourselves. It's easier to understand connection by understanding the reasons why we disconnect. We disconnect because of fear: fear of being rejected, fear of being misunderstood, fear of being imperfect or not fitting in, fear of being left out and fear of failure. In order to deal with these fears we all create a persona; a false self; a personality whose purpose it is to protect us from what we fear. An image. Behind the persona is our Authentic Self … the part of us that knows the truth; there is nothing to fear.
Then the magic happens. In our work we learn tools and skills to transform every supposed challenge, every reactionary pattern, every deeply held belief into opportunities for piercing through the veil of the persona and revealing the confident, compassionate, empathic and fiercly loving you. In our work together we use everything that shows up, every situation and every relationship as vehicles for identifying how we get in our own way and ultimately how we take back responsibility for creating everything that we want.
In business and in leadership, in order to have connection we need to create a culture that not only values it but also champions it. A culture that values what can happen, what the possibilities are when the people in that culture feel safe to connect. The benefit to an organization as a whole when its people feel truly connected is quantifiable. Better internal health results in better physical health and performance, longevity, loyalty, competence, confidence, commitment to character and integrity to name a few.
When we reconnect to our own true self, feel the fears of being seen and heard for who we truly are and have the tools and skills to allow it anyway, then and only then are we able to connect to each other. We do that by cultivating the qualities of empathy, compassion, and vulnerability. We move from a goal orientation to life to a learning orientation to life. We learn that relationship serves a greater purpose than just what is obvious; it teaches us about ourselves. Taking every opportunity to learn and grow is the truest form of courage and power that there is.

One-on-one counseling, group/couples sessions.

Tools and skills for professionals to compliment your work with your clients, employees, students.